Have great ideas, but terrified of public speaking?

Listen up!

You are a game changer, an influencer, a leader in your industry.  

You have vision and big plans.

You inspire others, acting as a role model, simultaneously giving people hope and a sense of possibility. 

But when you get in front of that audience, you don't feel bold, you don't feel clear headed. In fact, in those moments, you feel down right fear at its worst and mildly nauseous at its best.

Hey, that's okay. Seriously. 

You're also HUMAN. 

Public speaking is a legitimate fear and effects approximately 90% of humans.  It's common to experience increased heart rate, sweaty palms, blurred vision, feelings of not being able to move your legs (yes, it's a real thing), forgetfulness and quite possibly, nausea. 


Applied improvisational techniques are proven to head-on myriad unconscious beliefs and fears around public speaking, helping you recreate experiences in which you not only deliver a speech without throwing up, but you thrive and excel on stage.  

With new tools and copious moments of daring to suck in a safe environment, you will begin to experience a dramatic decrease in fears and an uptick in confidence, focus and presence

Now, don't you feel a little better already? 


Let's make a plan and get started. 

Contact us below and let us know what kind of support you are looking for.

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